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Large list of resources that speak to Great Law of Peace, Tsiokonsaseh, 2024 Eclipse, Wampum and the journey of the 2024 Haudenosaunee International Women's Wampum Belt.
Peace Mother, Tsiokonsaseh: The Story of Matrilinity in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy
A path to peace was born from and exists today because of the strength, competency and unity of women.
2024 Haudenosaunee International Women's Wampum Belt
A 2024 sisterhood unity project. A confederacy tour led by women and for women. We sew our stories into a belt of sisterhood and empowerment that in her completion, was presented to Clan Mothers, Chiefs, Title Holders and Knowledge Keepers.
Wampum: Belts, Strings and Circles
Otgó'a | Onekorha | Oneké:rha' | Wampum
With wampum, one is creating a living record, agreement and telling a story and it is important to be mindful of this sacred way of knowledge sharing as both a document and teaching of life after grief.

This wampum project was facilitated by the Indigenous Arts Collective and Pass the Feather in co-ordination with Ganondagan - Seneca Art and Culture Centre, Woodland Cultural Centre (Oshweken), Rematriation, Kenteke (Tyendinaga), Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Kahnesetake, Samantha Doxtator, Kelly Back (Fire Loom Creations) and Wakerahkáhstte Louise McDonald Herne.
April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse
Haudenosaunee communities aligned perfectly under the path. Grandmother Moon darkens our Brother Sun. A monumental time for the Haudenosaunee reminding us of when and why we put down our weapons under the Great Pine for the inception of the confederacy and the embracing of Kaianere'ko:wa.
Indigenous Astronomy | Story [Re]telling | Wampum Belt Creation
Hundreds of Haudenosaunee women contributed to this monumental 2024 Kononkwe (Women's) Wampum Mat/Belt.
This project was fully funded by the Indigenous Arts Collective’s mandate to uplift and generate sisterhood among onkwehonwe women with the sole purpose of keeping the fire hot for the comfort, success and advancement of the next seven generations. In creating the 2024 Women's Wampum Mat, Samantha Doxtator, Dawn Iehstoseranon:nha and beading artist Kelly Back of Fire Loom Creations were united with the communities of Oshweken/Woodland Cultural Centre, Kahnawake, Kanesatake, Akwesasne, Rematriation Sisterhood Gathering at Ganondagan (Seneca nation and home to Jikonsaseh), Clan Mothers, Faithkeepers, Chiefs and Knowledge Keepers of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
Samantha filled our spirits with stardust and astronomical knowledge. Dawn generated warmth of sisterhood and illuminated the significance surrounding the 2023 eclipse and the monumental roles of women in Haudenosaunee history and present day communities. Kelly contributed her loom beading and teaching skills and reintroduced women to this vital and traditional art form.
Together we explored real wampum and honoured Clan Mothers and Tsiokonsaseh with the creation of this community wampum belt. It was our intention to present ourselves as happy travellers in sisterhood revisiting celestial connections and cultural expression through community art.
The 2024 Women's Wampum Mat/Belt was completed on April 7th, 2024. She was presented to Clan Mothers and Faith Keepers and then Louise McDonald Herne (Condoled Bear Clan Mother) presented it to her Chief, Curtis Nelson to collaborate on uplifting the story of Tsiokonsaseh (Jikonsaseh) and to fill her position as Mother of Nations.
She was then presented on April 8th to Sun and Moon, during the solar eclipse, under the Great White Pine at the historical Haudenosaunee village of Ganondagan (now known as Victor, NY).
On April 8th she was presented to Sun and Moon under the full solar eclipse.